Friday, June 26, 2009

Vacation Bible School

This is the last day for Vacation Bible School. Abby has had a blast. It is weird since I have not been involved like I usually am. Today is water day, so I hope to make it early enough and see them. On Sunday, the children will be doing most of the service and a special program during the sermon. I can't wait to see it. We have had a great turn out and the kids are loving it.
Last night we had a fun time laying in bed and watching the boys play. Abby loves to feel them kick and move around, which they do a lot. It was nice just hanging out together with Abby and Ben and watching the boys.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

28 weeks!!!

I am 28 weeks and I can't believe it!! I went to the doctor today and had another ultrasound!! Yippee!! Baby 1- weight 1334 grams (almost 3 pounds) and the dr says he is probably 15-16 inches long from head to toe. Baby 2- weight 1282 grams (only about 52 grams different which is not significant at all for twins) and he is about the same length. They are staying the same in the weight difference which is great. The dr is extremely pleased with the boys. She said that they are taking care of themselves and will do whatever they want. They are positioned kind of weird again like last time, one with his head down going vertically and the other is almost horizontal with his head at the feet of the other one. They move a lot though which is wonderful. She said they are perfect and you can't get any better with twins. They are still growing like singles which is a great thing. As for me- my BP was 110/62 and I have gained 25 pounds so far, which the dr says is right on target. I have plenty of amniotic fluid and I look great, especially for having twins.
I am relieved and excited. The boys are growing great and the dr seems really pleased with our progress. I go back in 2 weeks!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Mom and Nick are leaving today to go to the Bahamas and then Disneyworld with some couisins!! Lucky them. They will come back next Sunday night late. Please think about them on their trip. They should have a blast. Wish I was going.
Abby and I got out yesterday and went to my mom and dad's. Abby had a fun day with her papaw playing the My Little Pony game and doing lots more. I had fun with my mom and our family friend Kathy Semore going out to eat and then we went to the Relax the Back store and I bought Ben his Father's Day gifts. I already gave them to him, I can never wait to give gifts. Then I helped Nick and mom pack. It was a busy day and I was really tired by the end.
Today Ben is grilling hotdogs at his work for their Re-Grand Opening. Poor guy, I hope he drinks a lot of water. Tracy is coming over to visit and we might try to buy wedding stuff.
Lots going on.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More Fun at Mom Mom's and Papa John's

Abby having fun on the swing.
Aunt Marrion making bubbles for Sadie to chase.
Sadie and Abby chasing lots of bubbles!!
At least Abby didn't eat them like Sadie did.

Abby playing in the cold sprinkler!
Abby making one of her infamous faces and gestures.

Fun Times at the Rolison's

27 weeks!
Beth as a table!
Ben having a good laugh!
so in love!!
playing with bubbles
27 weeks

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

26 weeks ultrasound June 10th

26 Weeks!!!

I am 26 weeks now!! We just went to the doctor to see the little guys. They are both about 2 1/4 pounds each (so I am carrying 4 1/2 pounds of baby). I'm not sure how long they are but they are where they are supposed to be. They are actually measuring at 27 weeks 3 days. They are growing like single babies which is great. There is only about 60 grams difference between the two which is nothing. The doctor commented and said that she has never seen two babies beat each other up as much as ours. I told her they are preparing us for when they come out.
I have gained 22 pounds so far, I'm the heaviest I have ever been and still have 2 months left. I'm feeling pretty good. My blood pressure was 110/60 and I haven't started swelling yet. I have some days where I do real well and others where I just want to sit around and do absolutely nothing.
We are still working on the nursery and house. It is a major endeavor. Lots to do!!!!

Abby and I went swimming and she had a blast. I will have to get a good picture of her in her new bikini to show off her pretty new belly button. She is beautiful!!!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The kids playing soccer at Mamaw's and Papaws!
Nick and Shanae!
The kids watching a movie!
The kids at Mamaw's and Papaw's
25 weeks!!!

25 Weeks!!!

First, here are some cute Abby stories. First, we were laying in bed and out of nowhere she asked me if our eyes worked in Heaven. I told her yes. Then she asked me if that means we can see God and Jesus. I said yes. She got so excited. It was real cute. Another one- we were at church getting ready to leave. There were 2 other pregnant women there and we were all talking about pregnancy and babies and all that stuff. Abby then asked me, ' how do you find out you are pregnant'? I said you pee on a special stick. She then asked me if you have to do that once a year. I asked her what she wanted for lunch. Couldn't quite come up with an answer for that one.

Well, I'm getting close to my 3rd trimester. I am getting really tired and worn out. Just taking a shower and drying my hair wears me out. Yesterday, I didn't end up doing much of anything. I am definitely slowing down, even though there is way too much to do. I'm stressing like usual. I guess it will get done somehow, some way. The boys are moving a lot. Especially starting at around 6-7 at night and going all night. I am feeling them everywhere. It is quite interesting. I go back to the doctor next week, which I then get to drink a lovely drink to test for gestational diabetes. After that I will start going every 2 weeks!!! We are going into the final stretch (almost). Just keep praying for us.