Thursday, March 26, 2009

15 Weeks!!!

I am 15 weeks and getting bigger every second (at least that's what it feels like). I'm doing pretty well. Still sick some and extremely tired. We went to the doctor Tuesday to have another ultrasound and a check up on me. I gained 3 pounds which was good because last time I had lost a couple of pounds. My blood pressure was great at 100/70 (roughly). I am so addicted to ultrasounds now, I want one every week!!! The babies were very active once again. One baby, now known as The Flasher, seemed more of the aggressor. He definitely showed us his parts every chance he got. The Flasher seems to be a tiny bit bigger than his twin and he definitely was kicking and beating up on his twin. But to our surprise, the timid twin made a comeback. This baby is more modest which made it more difficult to decide if the baby was a boy or girl, but we all believe that it is a BOY also. Yes- 2 boys (85% sure). Anyway, the modest baby came back and started kicking on The Flasher and they were going at it. The doctor kept laughing at our active and wild children. She told me August might be the worst month of my life. It was so fun seeing the babies. The last thing the doctor told us is that we have 2 very wild children in there!!! She couldn't get over the activeness of our babies. Not too much of a shock for us since Abby was/is the same way!!!!! Definitely a good report. I go back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound. Hopefully Modest will not be so modest and we will be 100% sure of the gender. But for now we are guessing 2 BOYS!! I guess Abby will be moving to the Smoky Mountains to live in a cabin!! (we are trying to convince her to live with us, and I think she is slowly coming around!)

Speaking of ABBY- Abby and I went to the surgeon yesterday morning to find out about her surgery and if she will have to have it. Like I suspected, she will have to have the surgery. We were planning to have it after school ended, but the doctor told us that it would take 4-5 weeks before she can do major activities (soccer, trampoline, tumbling, or anything that could hit or bump her belly). So, Ben and I decided to have it done sooner so it will not interfere with her summer activities. It is scheduled for April 17th at 9:30 (admitting) and 11:30 (surgery). She should be able to return to school that following Monday or Tuesday and they can restrict some of her activities at school. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers that everything goes smoothly. It is an out-patient procedure which she will be under general anesthesia. I will keep you posted with any new information.

13 Weeks!! (Sorry so late)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break

I know I haven't written in awhile, but here is an update on our Spring Break. It was last week and went OK. My mom came over last Tuesday and helped me start cleaning out our office to get ready for the babies. We also got a storage unit to store things for awhile until we figure stuff out. Ben got sick last Tuesday and Wednesday, which we were hoping to do something together but couldn't. Abby was great at playing by herself and keeping herself entertained even though I felt bad about it. I really wanted to go to the zoo or something with but didn't get to make it. I'm sure most of you heard (and can see) while I was getting my hair done, Abby decided to cut her own hair!!! So Thursday, my couisin Becky (who I owe) fixed Abby's hair the best she could. That afternoon Abby was trying to put her bangs down and started crying, saying 'Becky didn't do a good job on my bangs'. I told her that was her fault and Becky couldn't fix them. We just have to wait until they grow out some more. I think she learned her lesson- she better have. Then Abby got sick on Friday and still is sick today. It's not strep or the Flu though, just a little virus.
I was 14 weeks last week and can start feeling the babies move some. I am still nauseated and sick, which stinks. I don't think I'm gaining weight, which I should start now.
Our Spring Break was decent, but we didn't get to enjoy outside like we wanted to. We still have a lot to do to the house, so keep us in your thoughts. I go for another doctor's appointment tomorrow for an ultrasound!!! Maybe we get to find out the genders!!! Also, Abby has an appointment with a surgeon on Wednesday for a consultation on her herniated umbilical. Please keep her in your thoughts. Lots going on!!!!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Funny Abby

Here is a quick story that Abby told us while we were coming home from the mountains (I forgot to include it in the last update). She told us that if the babies were 2 boys she would move into a cabin in the mountains and we could come visit her!!! She said she would have plenty of food and would be able to take care of herself. I guess she doesn't want 2 boys!!!!! Sounds like a good plan no matter what though, if only we could all move to a cabin in the mountains!!!

I am 13 weeks and Ben took a picture of my tummy, which I hope will be posted soon. I definitely don't look just 13 weeks. People ask me how far I am and are completely shocked when I say 13 weeks. Doesn't that make me feel great!!! They understand when I say there are 2 babies in there. I'm figuring I didn't look like this with Abby till I was almost 5 months or so. I know it is different with the second pregnancy, but geez!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Abby Can Read! (Plus our Family Day)

Abby is starting to read. She has been trying to read Hop on Pop (mom's favorite) and now has some early beginner books from her school that we are borrowing. She is doing a great job. She needs a little help, but we are so proud. The more she is sounding out the words the more confidence she is gaining. I'm hoping she will be reading before she starts Kindergarten!!!

We went to the mountains yesterday because it was such a beautiful day. We started off at Cracker Barrel for a brunch which was wonderful. Abby actually read the first page of the kid's menu. Then we headed to the mountains, after stopping at Daddy's favorite store Little River's Fly Shop. We headed up to New Found Gap enjoying the sounds and smells of the mountains. Abby was so excited to see the 'top' of the mountain, unfortunately she fell asleep about 10-15 minutes before we got to New Found Gap. So we decided to head on over the mountain into North Carolina. We went to the Oconoluftee Center (not sure the real name) and Abby woke up. She asked us if we made it to the top and we told we did but we went down the other side because she was asleep. She started to cry. We then told her she would see it going back home!! We decided to get out and walk around. It was a beautiful day!! Then we headed back and made it to New Found Gap where Ben and Abby walked around. We then went to Gatlinburg to eat some supper and headed home. What a fun family day, which was definitely needed. Hopefully Ben can post some pics from the trip.