Thursday, March 26, 2009

15 Weeks!!!

I am 15 weeks and getting bigger every second (at least that's what it feels like). I'm doing pretty well. Still sick some and extremely tired. We went to the doctor Tuesday to have another ultrasound and a check up on me. I gained 3 pounds which was good because last time I had lost a couple of pounds. My blood pressure was great at 100/70 (roughly). I am so addicted to ultrasounds now, I want one every week!!! The babies were very active once again. One baby, now known as The Flasher, seemed more of the aggressor. He definitely showed us his parts every chance he got. The Flasher seems to be a tiny bit bigger than his twin and he definitely was kicking and beating up on his twin. But to our surprise, the timid twin made a comeback. This baby is more modest which made it more difficult to decide if the baby was a boy or girl, but we all believe that it is a BOY also. Yes- 2 boys (85% sure). Anyway, the modest baby came back and started kicking on The Flasher and they were going at it. The doctor kept laughing at our active and wild children. She told me August might be the worst month of my life. It was so fun seeing the babies. The last thing the doctor told us is that we have 2 very wild children in there!!! She couldn't get over the activeness of our babies. Not too much of a shock for us since Abby was/is the same way!!!!! Definitely a good report. I go back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound. Hopefully Modest will not be so modest and we will be 100% sure of the gender. But for now we are guessing 2 BOYS!! I guess Abby will be moving to the Smoky Mountains to live in a cabin!! (we are trying to convince her to live with us, and I think she is slowly coming around!)

Speaking of ABBY- Abby and I went to the surgeon yesterday morning to find out about her surgery and if she will have to have it. Like I suspected, she will have to have the surgery. We were planning to have it after school ended, but the doctor told us that it would take 4-5 weeks before she can do major activities (soccer, trampoline, tumbling, or anything that could hit or bump her belly). So, Ben and I decided to have it done sooner so it will not interfere with her summer activities. It is scheduled for April 17th at 9:30 (admitting) and 11:30 (surgery). She should be able to return to school that following Monday or Tuesday and they can restrict some of her activities at school. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers that everything goes smoothly. It is an out-patient procedure which she will be under general anesthesia. I will keep you posted with any new information.

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