Saturday, May 2, 2009

20 Weeks!!!!

I am wrapping up 20 weeks. Technically a little over half way there. The boys have been extremely active and wrestling I think. Abby got to feel them for the first time a couple of days ago, and she gave me a great big hug, hugged and kissed the babies too!!! It was really sweet. She likes to give them hugs and kisses and talks to them. My mom and brother also felt them that evening. I have been feeling pretty well, but really tired this week. I went on my field trip to Carson Newman this past Thursday to see cadavers and tour the campus. Luckily, I had 3 other chaperones with me, another teacher, a guidance intern, and an assistant principal. I just pulled up a stool and got to sit and watch and not have to walk the campus or be in the room with the cadavers the entire time. It was wonderful, although I missed looking at everything.
I am getting real anxious for my next appointment which will be May 13th. I hope the boys are growing OK. I don't remember being this anxious with Abby. I guess since there are 2 it is harder to figure out what is going on in there. School is almost over, and I can't wait. Ben is taking his final tests today and he will be done with this semester!!! Then we can focus on our house and getting it ready for the boys. We have a lot to do in a little time. I am going shopping for Abby's school supplies today and get her ready for Kindergarten since I don't know how I will feel later this summer. So much going on, but it is real exciting!!!!!
Oh by the way- the name poll was not serious in case you were wondering!!!

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