Monday, August 31, 2009
Abby and Kindergarten
Here is an update on Abby. She brought home a special 'book buddy' bag with 2 books in it. It had her name written on the outside with instructions that she is to read those 2 books to us as much as possible throughout the week and return them on Friday. I think she is supposed to get new books each Monday. One book was 'way too easy' (those were her words) and it really was too easy for her. The other book was a prett good level for her. She told us that she and only 1 other student received those bags to read. I'm so proud of her reading and how fast she has excelled in it. She loves to read and we have started reading the Magic Tree House series to her which she loves. I told her she will have to start reading to the boys. She has been a big helper and a great big sister. It has been a big adjustment for her as well as for us. She helped us a lot with their first bath at home and many other things. She loves to hold them and to sing to them. I know they recognize her and always look for her when she is talking to them. She has her moments where she wants attention and it's not always positive, but we are trying to work through that. I am just so proud of my big school girl and hope she does well. I don't want to be the 'braggy' mom who says her daughter is the smartest, but I'm afraid she might get bored. They are learning (reviewing) colors, letters, counting to 20 (which she can do in Spanish and she can do the alphabet in sign language). She doesn't really say she has learned a whole lot yet, but that time will come a little later in the year I'm sure. She is so big and smart. We are just so proud of our little girl.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
10 Days Old!
I can't believe the babies are 10 days old already. Time if flying by. They went to the pediatrician for a very quick weigh in on Friday. They were one ounce off their birth weights. Blaine was 5.8 and Christian was 4.14. The doctor said it was great and they are looking good. We have had 1 pretty long night the other night. Blaine was real fussy all night and Christian liked to go through the diapers. Speaking of that- we are definitely going through the diapers and wipes.
Abby has been doing pretty good with this change. Of course she is desperate for attention and really tries to get it. Sometimes not in the best of ways. She is a big helper picking out outfits for the boys and helping with the baths. It's been hard getting back to the routine of getting her to school, but Ben has been doing a great job. One funny story about that was last week the first night back and getting Abby to school that Tuesday Ben had to wake her up. He was missing and I didn't know what was taking so long to get her up. It had been almost 45 minutes. I went back to our room and bathroom and he was not there. I went into Abby's room and he had fallen asleep on her bed while trying to wake her up. I think it was the first time in a real bed since we had left for the doctor about 5 days before. I thought that was really cute.
It's been so fun with the boys and Abby. Last night we let Abby sleep in a tent and sleeping bag with us in the living room. It's going to be fun when we all can really go camping!!! One day at a time though. I don't want time to go by that fast.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
1 week old!!!
Blaine on the left, Christian on the right. (Top and Bottom)
I can't believe my baby boys are 1 week old already. It has flown by. I can't even begin to sum up the week. Very busy and exhausting. It has been hard getting Abby to school and managing everything. I think we are doing a pretty good job though. It has been difficult for me to move around since I had the c-section. I'm doing a little better about moving than I did when I had Abby. Pain medicine helps and knowing what to expect also helps with that. Ben has been wonderful and doing most everything. I don't think I have changed but maybe 1 or 2 diapers this entire week. He's amazing. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when he goes back to work. Hopefully I will have recovered more from the surgery. I think having twins has put a lot on my body and blood pressure issues and so forth. I'll get through it though. It is definitely worth it. We hope to get more pictures organized and posted. Again, trying to figure out managing our large family is taking some time. I thank everyone who has brought us food so far. That really helps, one less thing to remember or have to do. We definitely want to thank our moms because they cleaned our house on Monday before we brought the babies home. We weren't entirely prepared to deliver on that Thursday and be gone for the entire weekend. Our moms have been wonderful at helping us. We have the best families. These boys are getting cuter each day if that is possible. Abby is enjoying it more because she can be around them now and can hold them. I hope to get more pics of all 3 together. Maybe even getting birth announcements out! Who knows.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Big Day!!!!
Here is a run down of the big day. Of course Abby had a fever the night before, Wednesday night. We already had the hematologist appointment and OB appt scheduled for 9 and 10 Thursday morning. I had been joking that I hope the Dr. would send me over to have the babies. Who knew!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
8:00am- Leave to take Abby to my parents house since she was sick and could not go to school. We stopped by McDonald's for breakfast and dropped Abby off. (That was all I got to eat that day, bacon egg and cheese biscuit).
9:00am- Arrived to get my blood drawn at the hematologist. I started to feel real crappy. Couldn't decide why. My platelets were at 96,000 when I left. We had to hurry downtown to see Dr. Tsaltas because appt was at 10.
10:00am- Arrived at St. Mary's. I was feeling REAL crappy by then. They took me back and did the ultrasound. Both babies were head down again. Blaine had once again flipped. I was feeling so sick on the table. They then went and hooked me up to listen to the heartbeats and monitor contractions. My least favorite thing to do, except I like to hear the heartbeats. I was so sick I thought I was going to throw up. They checked my blood pressure and it was high for me. I always have to convince people that it is high for me (it was like 133/82 or something). The nurse practitioner came in while I was hooked up to take a look at me. I had never met her, but she said I looked pretty bad. She went to get Dr. Tsaltas. He came in and said, 'You look like hell, let's go talk'. The nurse practitioner told me she never said hell just bad. That's Dr. Tsaltas for you. Pretty much he told me I had preeclempsia (sp?) and I was going over to the Women's Pavilion. He said unfortunately he had a big meeting or something and the C-section would have to be at 7:00pm since I had eaten at 8:30am. So we headed over.
11:30am- (or so) I had been admitted to the hospital and got a room- Room 25. They hooked me up to be monitored and took some blood for testing. They hooked me up to 1 IV. I was not looking forward to being hooked up till 7 that night.
1:00pm- They got my blood work back and my platelets had dropped to 77,000. I told the nurse I was concerned and she was already talking to Dr. Tsaltas. They had mentioned to me they may have to do general anesthesia. I knew the anesthesiologist working and he came to talk to me. He said he could do a spinal and wondered why I had to wait till 7pm. He talked with Dr. Tsaltas and the c-section got bumped up to 4pm. Lots of phone calls going out and craziness.
4:00pm- They were ready to wheel me back. It was more like 4:15. Dr. Broussard (anesthesiologist) did the spinal (he is the dr that I have known for awhile) which I trusted him completely. I also had a nurse anesthesist in the room. It was reassuring to have so many people in the room. Ben was in there taking pics which the nurses said Dr. Tsaltas doesn't like that. They were talking cameras as he was cutting me open. HELLO!!! Anyway, I will always remember him taking Blaine out, it was my first deep breath in I don't know how long. Then I heard Dr. Tsaltas tell Ben to come take a picture of this. I had no idea what he could be taking a picture of. It was Christian's hand pushing through the sac where you could see it as plain as day. Blaine was born at 4:46pm, 5lb 9oz, 19.5 inches. Christian was born at 4:47, 4lb 15oz, 19inches long. They were both crying beautifully. Dr. Broussard kept coming to me and asking how I was doing and was watching the boys. He then told me he had to run out and tell my mom about the babies. (My mom has taught all of his children piano). It was amazing. I then got wheeled out holding both of my babies in my arms. What a miracle!!! God has truly blessed us.
What a day!!!!!! Happy Birthday to Blaine and Christian!!!!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
8:00am- Leave to take Abby to my parents house since she was sick and could not go to school. We stopped by McDonald's for breakfast and dropped Abby off. (That was all I got to eat that day, bacon egg and cheese biscuit).
9:00am- Arrived to get my blood drawn at the hematologist. I started to feel real crappy. Couldn't decide why. My platelets were at 96,000 when I left. We had to hurry downtown to see Dr. Tsaltas because appt was at 10.
10:00am- Arrived at St. Mary's. I was feeling REAL crappy by then. They took me back and did the ultrasound. Both babies were head down again. Blaine had once again flipped. I was feeling so sick on the table. They then went and hooked me up to listen to the heartbeats and monitor contractions. My least favorite thing to do, except I like to hear the heartbeats. I was so sick I thought I was going to throw up. They checked my blood pressure and it was high for me. I always have to convince people that it is high for me (it was like 133/82 or something). The nurse practitioner came in while I was hooked up to take a look at me. I had never met her, but she said I looked pretty bad. She went to get Dr. Tsaltas. He came in and said, 'You look like hell, let's go talk'. The nurse practitioner told me she never said hell just bad. That's Dr. Tsaltas for you. Pretty much he told me I had preeclempsia (sp?) and I was going over to the Women's Pavilion. He said unfortunately he had a big meeting or something and the C-section would have to be at 7:00pm since I had eaten at 8:30am. So we headed over.
11:30am- (or so) I had been admitted to the hospital and got a room- Room 25. They hooked me up to be monitored and took some blood for testing. They hooked me up to 1 IV. I was not looking forward to being hooked up till 7 that night.
1:00pm- They got my blood work back and my platelets had dropped to 77,000. I told the nurse I was concerned and she was already talking to Dr. Tsaltas. They had mentioned to me they may have to do general anesthesia. I knew the anesthesiologist working and he came to talk to me. He said he could do a spinal and wondered why I had to wait till 7pm. He talked with Dr. Tsaltas and the c-section got bumped up to 4pm. Lots of phone calls going out and craziness.
4:00pm- They were ready to wheel me back. It was more like 4:15. Dr. Broussard (anesthesiologist) did the spinal (he is the dr that I have known for awhile) which I trusted him completely. I also had a nurse anesthesist in the room. It was reassuring to have so many people in the room. Ben was in there taking pics which the nurses said Dr. Tsaltas doesn't like that. They were talking cameras as he was cutting me open. HELLO!!! Anyway, I will always remember him taking Blaine out, it was my first deep breath in I don't know how long. Then I heard Dr. Tsaltas tell Ben to come take a picture of this. I had no idea what he could be taking a picture of. It was Christian's hand pushing through the sac where you could see it as plain as day. Blaine was born at 4:46pm, 5lb 9oz, 19.5 inches. Christian was born at 4:47, 4lb 15oz, 19inches long. They were both crying beautifully. Dr. Broussard kept coming to me and asking how I was doing and was watching the boys. He then told me he had to run out and tell my mom about the babies. (My mom has taught all of his children piano). It was amazing. I then got wheeled out holding both of my babies in my arms. What a miracle!!! God has truly blessed us.
What a day!!!!!! Happy Birthday to Blaine and Christian!!!!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
36 Weeks!!!!
I made it to 36 weeks!!! That was the magic number. Now it should be anytime. I went to the doctor today, my last appointment with Dr. Peeden and nurse Sharon. The boys heart beats looked good, like usual!!! Then Dr. Peeden did an ultrasound. Christian is head down and pretty low. He is practicing breathing and looks good. Blaine, being himself, has flipped once again. I think every ultrasound he is in a different position. What a little stinker. He looked good too. My amniotic fluid looks good as does my placenta. I have not dilated any at this time. Dr. Peeden has been very proud of me. I mentioned a few times that I was ready. She told me she is thinking next week. She also told me when I see Dr. Tsaltas (the guy dr who should deliver them- he delivered Abby) I should produce some big tears to encourage him on setting a date!!! I will be practicing my soap opera tears for this Thursday. I also have to go to the hematologist before I go to Tsaltas. It will be a busy day. I will miss seeing Dr. Peeden and Sharon, they have been wonderful, they are the best. I will be sending them pics and running by there to show the boys off. They both gave me a great big hug and wished me luck. You get kind of close when you go so often like me. I proud of my boys, and I will hang in there for them. It is reassuring to go to the dr and get good news. I do have Strep B (of course, this pregnancy has been so different and opposite of Abby). I will have to tell the pediatricians about that. I don't think it is anything to completely worry about. Can't wait to see those little boys!!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Abby's Cousins Visit
Abby's cousin Max came and visited last weekend from Louisiana (also with his dad Brian). They had not seen each other for about 4 years or so. They had a blast though. They played so hard and hung out talking about Scooby-Doo. They were fun to watch play for hours. It was great to see them and hang out. I think the 'older' kids had fun playing with Legos also and with their cameras.
Brian, Max, and Abby playing with Legos. Abby had never played with real Legos before. She had a good time.

Abby, Max and Brian playing with this spinning thing for a LONG time.

Abby and Max were playing a 'basketball' game they made up. Abby had a jump shot.

Again, playing with the spinning thing which they did off and on all night.

Abby concentrating on a puzzle they were working on.

Abby and Max playing at the Maryville Greenbelt together. I didn't go but they had a good time.
Still playing at the Greenbelt.

Max and Abby saying goodbye with lots of hugs.
More hugs!! So sweet!!!

This was a different day at the Greenbelt with Abby and her daddy. She really wanted to climb a tree.

Abby was playing king of the rock.
Brian, Max, and Abby playing with Legos. Abby had never played with real Legos before. She had a good time.
Abby, Max and Brian playing with this spinning thing for a LONG time.
Abby and Max were playing a 'basketball' game they made up. Abby had a jump shot.
Again, playing with the spinning thing which they did off and on all night.
Abby concentrating on a puzzle they were working on.
Abby and Max playing at the Maryville Greenbelt together. I didn't go but they had a good time.
Max and Abby saying goodbye with lots of hugs.
More hugs!! So sweet!!!
This was a different day at the Greenbelt with Abby and her daddy. She really wanted to climb a tree.
Abby was playing king of the rock.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Abby's First and Second Day of Kindergarten!!
Abby had her first day last Friday. She was so excited. She was the first one there and just started talking to her teacher, telling her she can read big books now. When she came home, she was skipping down the sidewalk with a huge smile and carrying her tote bag that they give every student. She started showing me what she did and telling me about eating in a cafeteria and she got chocolate milk!! I asked her if they talked about anything or learned anything. She told me they learned about people and animals. I asked her if she raised her hand to answer any questions. She said she did and the teacher said yes Abby and Abby told her that turtles have a spine. A little while later she told me she was lying and made that whole story up!!!! She was afraid I would be upset if she couldn't remember what she did. I told her I was more upset that she lied to me!! Crazy girl!!
Second day- Today was her second day. All girls again (it was only the girls on her first day). She was more tired today. She kept saying it was too dark outside to get up. I told her that's how it's going to be. When we picked her up today, she was skipping with her daddy down the sidewalk of the school. She saw me and started waving and was smiling so big. Then she saw one of her classmates get in a car and was waving to her. She told me it was Caroline she thinks. She told us she got to visit music class and play the triangle, art, and library. She also got to punch in her lunch code by herself and not even look at her number. She has already memorized it. (Her mom might be a little bit of a school nerd). She loves eating in the cafeteria and punching in her code. Maryville City schools have pretty good lunches (coming from experience). She is so big. We are so proud of her. She had not been the list bit hesitant or apprehensive about not knowing any students. She is well adjusted!!!!
Our baby is in kindergarten and making us so proud!!!!!! Tomorrow she starts full time with the boys. We will see how that goes!!!
Second day- Today was her second day. All girls again (it was only the girls on her first day). She was more tired today. She kept saying it was too dark outside to get up. I told her that's how it's going to be. When we picked her up today, she was skipping with her daddy down the sidewalk of the school. She saw me and started waving and was smiling so big. Then she saw one of her classmates get in a car and was waving to her. She told me it was Caroline she thinks. She told us she got to visit music class and play the triangle, art, and library. She also got to punch in her lunch code by herself and not even look at her number. She has already memorized it. (Her mom might be a little bit of a school nerd). She loves eating in the cafeteria and punching in her code. Maryville City schools have pretty good lunches (coming from experience). She is so big. We are so proud of her. She had not been the list bit hesitant or apprehensive about not knowing any students. She is well adjusted!!!!
Our baby is in kindergarten and making us so proud!!!!!! Tomorrow she starts full time with the boys. We will see how that goes!!!
35 Weeks!!
I had a rough weekend this past weekend. My rash flared up, I started hurting in my uterus where I could barely walk, and the boys weren't moving like they usually do. I went to the doctor yesterday (Monday) and everything checked out OK. Pretty much I'm carrying a lot of baby!!! The babies checked out OK, they started moving like crazy when we got there. Go figure.
So I went to the doctor today downtown at St. Mary's. It is the doctor that delivered Abby. We had an ultrasound done. They also checked the babies umbilical cord blood flow. Blaine was being difficult and wouldn't let the technician hear it. He kept moving all over (like usual). Finally she got it. Christian wasn't practicing breathing, but she kept pushing on him and he started. I think she kind of woke him up. He seems to be the laid back one. Christina was 5 lbs 3 oz and Blaine was 5 lbs 13 oz. I'm carrying 11 pounds of baby and that is why I can barely walk. We then monitored there heart beats and they were great. Dr. Tsaltas then met with us and said I was cruising. He told us he did not want to plan a date because it probably wouldn't happen on that exact date due to it being twins. He is wanting me to go pretty long. He said I will be having another C-section since I had one with Abby. I will start going downtown twice a week starting next week. That will be difficult arranging with Abby in school, Ben's work and the hematologist. We will see how it works.
So I went to the doctor today downtown at St. Mary's. It is the doctor that delivered Abby. We had an ultrasound done. They also checked the babies umbilical cord blood flow. Blaine was being difficult and wouldn't let the technician hear it. He kept moving all over (like usual). Finally she got it. Christian wasn't practicing breathing, but she kept pushing on him and he started. I think she kind of woke him up. He seems to be the laid back one. Christina was 5 lbs 3 oz and Blaine was 5 lbs 13 oz. I'm carrying 11 pounds of baby and that is why I can barely walk. We then monitored there heart beats and they were great. Dr. Tsaltas then met with us and said I was cruising. He told us he did not want to plan a date because it probably wouldn't happen on that exact date due to it being twins. He is wanting me to go pretty long. He said I will be having another C-section since I had one with Abby. I will start going downtown twice a week starting next week. That will be difficult arranging with Abby in school, Ben's work and the hematologist. We will see how it works.
Monday, August 3, 2009
34 weeks!!!!
I made it to 34 weeks!!! I had another dr's appt today. They monitored their heartbeats (which I am getting over that pretty quickly). They did great. Then we had an ultrasound. The boys measured 5.1 pounds and about 5.4 pounds!!!! They are growing great. We can't be happier. My fluid looks good and everything else looks good. This was a big turning point. Now she wants me to get to 36 weeks!!! I can do it. The boys move A LOT! They are busy right now as I am typing this. They change positions all of the time. They are always in a different position each ultrasound. Silly boys. I still have to go to the hematologist Thursday and the OB Thursday. They are just going to monitor my platelets and they think they will go back up once I have the babies.
Abby starting Kindergarten this week!!!!!! Ben is with Abby at her school right now for orientation. Then Wednesday morning between 8-10 we can take the paperwork and go meet Abby's teacher and find her room. Then Friday is her first full day of Kindergarten and it's just for the girls. Kindergarten is from 7:50-1:20. It will make the appts harder to arrange, but it will work out. I can't believe my baby is starting Kindergarten. She is so excited, which is wonderful. She will be the best little student. This week will be a busy week. I think every week will be busy from here on out!!!!!!!!
Abby starting Kindergarten this week!!!!!! Ben is with Abby at her school right now for orientation. Then Wednesday morning between 8-10 we can take the paperwork and go meet Abby's teacher and find her room. Then Friday is her first full day of Kindergarten and it's just for the girls. Kindergarten is from 7:50-1:20. It will make the appts harder to arrange, but it will work out. I can't believe my baby is starting Kindergarten. She is so excited, which is wonderful. She will be the best little student. This week will be a busy week. I think every week will be busy from here on out!!!!!!!!
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