Blaine on the left, Christian on the right. (Top and Bottom)
I can't believe my baby boys are 1 week old already. It has flown by. I can't even begin to sum up the week. Very busy and exhausting. It has been hard getting Abby to school and managing everything. I think we are doing a pretty good job though. It has been difficult for me to move around since I had the c-section. I'm doing a little better about moving than I did when I had Abby. Pain medicine helps and knowing what to expect also helps with that. Ben has been wonderful and doing most everything. I don't think I have changed but maybe 1 or 2 diapers this entire week. He's amazing. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when he goes back to work. Hopefully I will have recovered more from the surgery. I think having twins has put a lot on my body and blood pressure issues and so forth. I'll get through it though. It is definitely worth it. We hope to get more pictures organized and posted. Again, trying to figure out managing our large family is taking some time. I thank everyone who has brought us food so far. That really helps, one less thing to remember or have to do. We definitely want to thank our moms because they cleaned our house on Monday before we brought the babies home. We weren't entirely prepared to deliver on that Thursday and be gone for the entire weekend. Our moms have been wonderful at helping us. We have the best families. These boys are getting cuter each day if that is possible. Abby is enjoying it more because she can be around them now and can hold them. I hope to get more pics of all 3 together. Maybe even getting birth announcements out! Who knows.
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