Thursday, January 14, 2010

The start of a New Year

What a way to start 2010!! Started out that I had an ear infection and had to go on amoxicillin the Wednesday before New Year's Eve. Then Blaine started feeling sick and I thought he had what I had. By Saturday both Blaine and Christian were sick and Ben took them to the doctor that morning. He found out they both had RSV and their respiratory rate was up. Blaine also had an ear infection and was started on amoxicillin. That Sunday, Ben was going to put gas in the Saturn for me to take to school and the car would not start. Ben had to take the boys to the dr. Monday morning (after rescheduling it from 11 to 8am) so I could take the van to school after he got back. So my first day of school I arrived 2 1/2 hours late. When I got to school I found that all of my files were not on my computer any more so I could not do any work because my back up was at home. I also learned that I was to be evaluated on Thursday which is the 3rd day of having students. I got home and Ben went and got a new battery for the Saturn so I could drive it to school. We were up most nights with the boys watching them and making sure they were ok. We kept them in the living room on boppies and Ben and I sept on the couch and recliner for about a week. Luckily, my evaluation went well.
The following Sunday, Ben went out to the van to go get our Christmas boxes from storage. (We have yet to take Christmas decorations down.) The van would not start and once again we were down to one vehicle. He spent most of the afternoon trying to get the van jumped but it wouldn't. Luckily my parents could pick up Abby from school otherwise she wouldn't have been able to go because Ben could not have picked her up. On Tuesday, my dad fixed our van and we had bought another battery in a span of 1 week. On Wednesday, I started losing my voice and it is still gone today (Thursday) and we had open house. Thankfully the boys are better and Abby has gotten better too. She had developed a cough too but we kept her hydrated and she has gotten over it. Ben was also sick- so we had a house full of sick people. This has definitely been a crazy way to start the year and the transition of Ben staying home while I go to work. I keep saying that God will not give us more than we can handle. I am very thankful for our family, church and friends. We are truly blessed and we will get through these rough times.

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