Sunday, December 19, 2010

Almost Christmas!!!

I definitely need to do a better job at keeping this up to date. Here goes a brief synopsis. The boys are getting their molars which has been difficult for them. Christian has two on the bottom and is working on the top. Blaine is still working on all four. They love playing with each other and wrestling!! They are very rough and tough boys. I must say these boys love to eat also. Their favorite has to be fruit- any kind- bananas, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries are at the top. Blaine is less picky than Christian. If Christian doesn't like it he gives it to his brother!!! They are so much fun to watch. This past week I have got to watch them a lot due to weather and school being out. Unfortunately, we all have been sick this past week too. I only went to school one day last week and was pretty wiped out. Abby finished on Wednesday because school was out Thursday. She was excited to start her Christmas break a day early. She has been learning lots of Christmas music on the piano and has had a blast playing it. Ben has been wonderful in taking care of us this week while we (including him) have been not well. We are blessed as a family!! Today was our Joy Gift program at church. Abby was an angel and did magnificently. We also played We Three Kings as a duet!! She was perfect. We were very proud of her. She is growing up so much into a beautiful little girl!! We are very anxious for Christmas, but I have 2 days left of school. I have been told I will be tenured which is wonderful news!!! Whew!!! So much going on. I wish I could remember it all. We hope to go see Santa this week and make Christmas cookies with Nick and Shanae as is our usual tradition. I am seeing it is harder to find time to accomplish everything when you are both working (different shifts) and have 3 kids (2 being 16 months old). When we finally sit down to try to do something I find myself falling asleep!!!! But it is all so worth it- I love the chaos and continuous excitement. It never is dull around the Mooney household and I wouldn't have it any other way!!!

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