Tuesday, July 21, 2009

32 weeks!!!

I am 32 weeks, which is so hard to believe. I have to go to the doctor twice a week now, every Monday and Thursday. Each Monday I should have an ultrasound, but not on Thursday's unless she feels it is necessary. The babies are monitored for 20 minutes each and then I have a quick ultrasound. The doctor is looking for the heart rate to have peaks (pretty much spike up ever so often). The heart beats would stay around 140's but then spike up to 170's and almost 180. The doctor said it was perfect. One boy was definitely more active than the other, which is normal. Then I had an ultrasound. The doctor said they looked good and they were both head down at the time. We saw their hearts which looked good and everything else looked good. The doctor said they looked gorgeous. She wants me to get to 34 weeks which is when the babies have developed a good swallowing reflex. Then she wants me to get to 36 weeks when their lungs should be mature enough. Then after that she said whenever it happens it happens (I guess). It was a long appointment, which I should get used to. Thanks to mom who went with me and kept me company. I am so glad she went with me, or it would have been very long and boring (but exciting to hear the babies). It was funny to hear it when the babies would move because it would make a loud sound, which one time the doctor came in and said you could hear them through the door and they sounded good from there!
I can't wait to see these boys. I will say they have given me some horrific stretch marks which I didn't get with Abby. They actually hurt and itch real bad. I didn't realize they would hurt so much. Oh well!!! No pain no gain right.

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