Monday, July 27, 2009

33 weeks!

I had another dr appt today. The boys have been extremely active this weekend!!! I figured they had moved a lot, which they had. The heartbeats looked great for both which is wonderful and a relief. We also had an ultrasound and she said they looked great. They were practicing breathing (a big milestone), they were positioned strangely (they have been most of the time anyway), and you could definitely tell they were boys!!!! The dr said these boys have been exceptionally busy the entire pregnancy!!! They are preparing us for when they come out. She is estimating them to be about 4.5 pounds each, still growing like singletons which is awesome. She will measure them next Monday. God is really taking care of these babies!!!
Now for me. I have a horrible rash that is on my feet, between my fingers and toes, on my hands and arms, and my upper legs. It is driving me crazy. I slept about 4-5 hours last night because of it. I asked the dr about it and she said it could be a pregnancy rash. I did not know that existed. She did take some blood to make sure it is not a liver backup, which she doesn't think it is. She said I can take Benadryl which I will tonight. I took 2 this afternoon and was very loopy and drowsy. My blood pressure looks good and my feet are not swelling like they were. Probably because I haven't done all that much!!! I go back to the dr on Thursday to monitor the babies. I thank God for taking care of all of us!!
Abby Story- Abby was talking about Mamaw Kincer on the way home tonight. She really misses her, as we all do. She asked me if God made the rain (which I said yes) and she asked if Mamaw helps. Then she said she wished Mamaw would float down in a rain drop to come see Abby. Abby said that would make her happy. Abby amazes me!!!!

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