Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Funny Abby Stories!

Abby has said a couple of funny things yesterday. First story- She was drawing pictures in the hallway for me, Ben and my parents. (the pictures are really good and I hope to post them). She came in the living room and told me she made a big decision. I asked her what that decision was and she told me she decided to become an artist when she grows up. I told her that would be great and that she is a wonderful artist now. She sounded so grown up (like usual).
Second Story- After her making her big decision she was holding Blaine and looked down at him and said it might be the last time she will see him. That concerned me and I asked her why. She told me 'it was time for her, mamaw, and mom mom to move to the cabin in the mountains'. I guess 5 weeks was her limit of living with the boys.

I never know what she is going to say. She is getting better and better at reading.

More updates to come!

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