Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Well, it's been awhile and extremely busy. For my birthday we all went to my parents' house and ate supper. My mom fixed me lasagna, salad, homemade bread, and cheesecake!! Yum!!! It was wonderful to get out of the house and be with my family. The boys went outside for awhile which was nice. It was a nice day to hang out and get out of the house. The Friday before that Dawn took me out to eat supper for my birthday which was wonderful also. It's just nice to get out of the house that I have been stuck in for so many months.
Friday we also took the boys to the doctor for their acid reflux problems. The doctor looked at them and said they were doing great and she prescribed medicine for them. Blaine weighed 7 lbs and Christian weighed 6lb 1oz. They are growing great and getting so big. I can't believe they will be 4 weeks old in 2 days. Thanks to mom mom for going with me with the boys. Ben had to drop Abby off from school with us at the dr's. It's difficult trying to manage everything. It was also the first time I drove the van since having them and the first time driving it without being pregnant. Wow, my tummy didn't reach the steering wheel!!! Amazing!!!
Things are going well. I'm doing pretty good and feeling a lot better. I'm not hurting except for an occasional tightening, cramping and sometimes my incision if I twist weird. Abby is doing well at school and adjusting pretty well at being a big sister. She likes to hold them and burp them. She also sings to them which they seem to love.
The difficult time of day seems to be between 3-7am. The boys fuss a lot at the same time and I can't get them satisified. I'm not sure what is going on, but it tends to wear me out and try my patience (especially on going with such little sleep). We will get through it though and it is totally worth it. I love to look at my family and feel how complete it is. We can't be happier with such a beautiful family that we have. God has truly blessed us!!!

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