Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Boys Baptism

Well- it finally happened. The boys were baptized Sunday, March 14, 2010. I thought it would never happen. You might recall their baptism was scheduled for January and then the boys and Abby had RSV. Which I might add the doctor said that they sent more kids to the ER this winter than in the past and luckily we did not have to go. God has blessed us with strong, healthy children. Anyway- the week before Abby did get the flu so we were so worried about the having to cancel once again. Blaine had a fever then I got it. Luckily, we recovered and could go on with it. One thing I didn't think about till too late was the time change- Spring Forward. Abby spent the night with mom mom which helped tremendously, one less body to get ready. That morning the boys ate at 8am which was different then usual. I was afraid they would start getting fussy as soon as they were to be baptized, but they did wonderfully. The service was beautiful. The introit had the children singing Jesus Loves Me- and they were angelic. The sermon was thought provoking and created lots of conversation, which was great. I missed most of it because I was getting the boys ready downstairs and they were a little fussy. We brought all of the children up so they could witness the baptism which was important. The boys sat and watched Dave speak at the pulpit with such attentiveness. They knew it was for them (not really- they were just interested I guess). They were so cute and observant. They really wanted to play with the water!!! It was beautiful and the boys were little angels!!! The gowns they wore were my grandfathers- Crockett Kincer's when he was an infant. They were 90 years old and Nick and Abby both wore them being baptized. They are very special to our family. Then after the service we had a great reception with family and friends. It was so meaningful to share this sacrament with those we love and to see how much our children are loved. Those present included- Pastor Dave, Dawn, and Jeremiah Webster; Aunt Sylvia and Uncle Steve Babelay; Kristy Krebs Thornton, Tracy Krebs Faber, Cindy and Scott Krebs; Rada and John Rolison; Cleta, Randy and Nick Kelley; Shanae Nunez; and of course us!! What a wonderful day. Here are some pictures from it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Flu!!

Well, last Saturday Abby started coughing and then got a fever. We took her Sunday afternoon to the Walgreens Take-Care clinic (which I have been impressed with twice now) and they said she had the flu. Probably H1N1 since they haven't seen the seasonal a lot. Well- also that weekend we had to get the Saturn fixed, which Ben rode his bike to go pick it up. I'm glad we are close enough that he can do that. We also had been to a 'multiples' consignment sale Saturday morning and got some good stuff. We also bought a 'new' jogging stroller that is pretty nice and hopefully it will work great. Anyway- I decided to take off Monday to help Ben clean and decontaminate the house. He went and bought a Shark Steam Pocket Cleaner- which is awesome!!! We cleaned all day long and tried to keep Abby in her bed (which is a hard thing to do). She is taking Tamiflu and Motrin to keep the fever away. Blaine got a fever Monday night and I went to school on Tuesday. I wasn't feeling all that great, but I thought it was because I was tired. Well, that night I ended up with a fever and called in for a sub for Wednesday and Thursday. Luckily, I had made 2 days of sub plans- somehow I guessed I was starting to get sick. Well, Abby had no fever and Blaine's fever is gone too!!! My fever is gone as well!!! I hope we stay well and can still have the baptism like planned. What a crazy week so far. It's going to take a lot to get our house back in shape, at least Abby has started Spring Break- which she will be off for 2 weeks since she has been out all of this week. Hope to make an update with the Baptism next!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My first post at my new job!


It is hard to believe that it has been two months already since I switch from a full time Pharmacy job to a full time stay at home dad! Beth has adjusted for the most part to working again, well other than getting up in the morning to get ready on time. I will get a routine in
place and then the boys will decide to change theirs again. We have now started vegetables at supper with them along with rice cereal and fruit. Since starting this they have started sleeping from 10pm ish until we wake them up around 6am for Beth to feed them before leaving for school. They were waking up around 4:30-5am. So we are developing a new routine again.
I knew that this would be a hard job and it is. I start the day hoping to accomplish a lot and
then the boys wake up! Sometimes it works out and most of the time is doesn't but i am
learning to shorten the to do list to a more manageable size.
I have gotten a lot better at cooking dinner every
day and have been learning to cook more than spaghetti and hamburger helper! Things like
Manwich, macaroni and cheese, and chicken nuggets! Just kidding, those where actually on the
previous list. I have made fried chicken, breakfast(pancakes, bacon and eggs) and hibachi
chicken which includes making the fried rice and the sweet and tangy white sauce!
(aka Kobe sauce, Hibachi sauce, shrimp sauce etc.) I also gave fried
pickles a try,... they need some work. Youtube is great for learning pretty much anything.
I will continue to increase my cooking knowledge.
The laundry and dishes seem to occupy the rest of my time during the day. Between bottles
and our dishes the dishwasher runs almost twice everyday. That will improve some with the
boys eating more than just formula.
The laundry, however,...well that will just get worse I imagine. It was just about endless without
the boys and is now always behind. Most 6 month olds, drool.......a Lot! Add spit up and the
ability to pee out of what is still a dry diaper and you get a lot of dirty clothes, then multiply that
by 2! You get the picture.
All in all it is a daily adventure that I would not trade for anything in the world. Even when
they are both screaming bloody murder, and boy can they, it beats any other job out there.
The boys are becoming more and more interactive and coordinated every day. Everything in
hand automatically goes to their mouths of course. Both get up on their hands and knees and
rock, Blaine more so than Christian, but no actual crawling yet. Blaine will put one hand forward
and then roll over, which is fine by me. They roll all over the place and usually in opposite
directions of course! Each can scooch forward a little. If they see something they want they
will get it by rolling or creeping.
Each of the boys found their feet about a week or so ago. They will grab, play with and chew on
them some. They both try really hard to sit up and can from a slightly inclined position but lack
the balance to stay upright still. They both giggle and laugh especially when Abby is acting for
them! They love their big sister.
No new milestones yet though. No teeth, or full crawling, but on the verge of both and they will
be the next ones I imagine. I will let you all know when they do.
I will try to keep the blog updated more often than every two months. Beth did a great job
with it and will probably still post. I will probably write about more than just the babies and
Abby. I may actually start a different blog for other things since this is The Mooney Family Blog.
Sorry this has gotten so long. Catching up a little and if it seems unorganized I have started and
stopped typing this about 50 times over 3 hours or so.