Sunday, December 19, 2010
Almost Christmas!!!
I definitely need to do a better job at keeping this up to date. Here goes a brief synopsis. The boys are getting their molars which has been difficult for them. Christian has two on the bottom and is working on the top. Blaine is still working on all four. They love playing with each other and wrestling!! They are very rough and tough boys. I must say these boys love to eat also. Their favorite has to be fruit- any kind- bananas, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries are at the top. Blaine is less picky than Christian. If Christian doesn't like it he gives it to his brother!!! They are so much fun to watch. This past week I have got to watch them a lot due to weather and school being out. Unfortunately, we all have been sick this past week too. I only went to school one day last week and was pretty wiped out. Abby finished on Wednesday because school was out Thursday. She was excited to start her Christmas break a day early. She has been learning lots of Christmas music on the piano and has had a blast playing it. Ben has been wonderful in taking care of us this week while we (including him) have been not well. We are blessed as a family!! Today was our Joy Gift program at church. Abby was an angel and did magnificently. We also played We Three Kings as a duet!! She was perfect. We were very proud of her. She is growing up so much into a beautiful little girl!! We are very anxious for Christmas, but I have 2 days left of school. I have been told I will be tenured which is wonderful news!!! Whew!!! So much going on. I wish I could remember it all. We hope to go see Santa this week and make Christmas cookies with Nick and Shanae as is our usual tradition. I am seeing it is harder to find time to accomplish everything when you are both working (different shifts) and have 3 kids (2 being 16 months old). When we finally sit down to try to do something I find myself falling asleep!!!! But it is all so worth it- I love the chaos and continuous excitement. It never is dull around the Mooney household and I wouldn't have it any other way!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Is it already November?
I can safely say that the Mooney family is one busy household. This is evident on the lack of updating I've been able to accomplish. Unfortunately, I cannot think of all that has been done since the last update. I know there is a lot. Here it is in a nutshell.
During Abby's Fall Break I took a personal day and we had a family fun trip to the aquarium and watched them feed the sharks. My hernia was hurting me so bad that I ended up hurting my back. But the family time was worth it and much needed. On my Fall Break I volunteered in Abby's class for the first half of the day and ate lunch with her. I had an absolute blast and was very proud of my wonderful, smart daughter. I witnessed how terrific she is in school and how she excels (not that I didn't already know this) it was good to see for myself. Ben got to go to her school the following week for First Grade Celebration Day. He took the boy and ate lunch with her and watched a video of her class. He brought home a painting she did in art class that was unbelievable. I know I couldn't have painted it that well right now. She also had her Halloween Piano Recital and did a fabulous job. We are so proud of her.
The boys are getting big too!!! It is fun to watch their personalities develop. Blaine is more laid back and easy going while Christian doesn't stop for too long at a time. They are running, climbing and jumping!! They love to push the laundry basket up to the couch, door, chair, gate, etc. and try to climb over or onto. Christian loves to put the laundry basket over Blaine and then sit on top so Blaine can't get out. Blaine does not love this. The boys had a twin moment. Christian had his fingers smashed in the door and Blaine grabbed his own hand (the same one) and started screaming. It was crazy!! Poor babies.
Hopefully I can do better about updating!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
It's Been Way Too Long
I honestly don't even know where to begin. Time is getting away from me. Let's see- the past month. The boys had their first birthday which was a hit. They went to a football game on their birthday, we spent the night at Rada's and had the party there. We kept it small with just the immediate family. It was so much fun and the boys had a great time ripping their presents open. They really loved their cake and decided to wear a lot of it. After cake time they enjoyed a dip in the baby pool to rinse off the cake!!! We all had a great time and I can't believe they are one. They are both almost 22 pounds and love to eat big people food. They both have 7 teeth which they choose to bite each other with. Blaine always has marks all over his arms from Christian. Boys will be boys!!! Christian is enjoying the grass a little more while Blaine loves it. Not sure where Christian gets that.
Abby update- she is reading the Magic Treehouse Books for the AR (accelerated reader) program at her school. It is a national program where the students take tests after they read a book and earn points and it also 'grades' them on what grade-level they are at. She is at a 2.8 (2nd grade 8th month) level!!! We are so proud of her!!!!!! I had a parent- teacher conference and she said Abby is at the top of her class in both reading and math. She is growing up!!!
For my big 30th birthday- we went to Metcalf Bottoms (in the Smokies) with my mom, Rada and John. We had an awesome picnic and all the kids played in the creek. It was wonderful!!!! It didn't take long for Abby to get wet- I always like to make a bet to see how long it will take!!! She is my outdoor girl!!! I hope to post more pics later on.
School is somewhat stressful due to the fact that I have 3 preps!!! Also- Ben has started working evenings as soon as I get home he leaves for work. We will make it though!!! We just keep thanking God for all that he has blessed us with!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A Brief Update
Abby has completed her first week of 1st grade. We are so proud of her!!! She made a 100% on her spelling pre-test yesterday and is learning more challenging words this week. I think the funniest thing is the 1st grade drama!! Girls- what can I say. Abby tells me all about how her friend has 3 boyfriends and she tricked them into talking with each other. She also told me that she doesn't think anybody likes her. She spent 30 minutes talking to my mom about all of the drama!! She doesn't spend that much time talking to us. I guess I'm going to have to pry it out of her. She has already gotten something out of the treasure box and really LOVES swimming during gym. She will be sad when tomorrow is the last day. This brings us to the boys and some stories.
Both boys are walking a lot and can bend down to pick stuff up and stand back up. The really enjoy breaking the fence down- the fence is obviously not working like it did. Ben was doing something in our room and the boys broke the fence down and went into the kitchen because they were hungry. One funny story that happened tonight- Abby had finished her shower and we were all in the living room. (on a side note- the boys are scared to death of the vacuum cleaner and loud noises) Anyway- Abby was sitting in Ben's lap so he could dry her hair. When he turned the hair dryer on Blaine turned with wide eyes, a worried look and ran towards Ben screaming with his arms up. He kept looking at Abby and Ben yelling at them. I grabbed him and held him telling him that Abby was OK. He was so worried about her (I'm not sure what he thought the hair dryer was going to do) and when they were finished he walked over to Abby. She bent down held him and told him she was OK. He then sat with her and laid down beside her. She quietly thanked him for worrying about her and that she was OK. The whole time this was going on Christian was scared of the hair dryer and didn't look like he much cared what was happening to his sis!!!! It was so sweet!!!!!! We love these precious moments with the kids and wouldn't trade them for anything.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Boys wave Bye-Bye
Today the boys waved bye-bye for the first time. Ben was going back to work after lunch and both boys waved bye-bye to him. They are growing up so fast. Blaine has figured out to move the fence and go behind to the no-no zone where all of our dvd's are. He lets his brother go too. I asked Abby if she was watching the boys while I was doing something and she said 'yeah I am'. I asked because I saw Blaine on the other side of the fence smiling so big!!! She jumped up and said 'Oh my gosh' and got him. That's what happens when a six year old watches the boy and the TV is on. She is an awesome helper though, and I have to keep reminding myself she is only 6. Well, I need to go watch the boys and hopefully someday I can get all of this down in their baby books!!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Where has the time gone?
OK- I know I have not done a good job at keeping the blog up to date. If I could function without sleep, I could do so much more. Anyway, that's not going to happen so I will do the best I can. Here is an update- now I need to get these updates in baby books!! Ahhh!!
Abby- she has been great this summer. Her piano lessons are going wonderfully and she is excelling!!! We do have our moments with practicing, but overall she is amazing. We went school supply shopping the other day (my most favorite thing to do). I can't believe she is going to be in the 1st grade!! She picked out a grown up backpack that I absolutely love (and it was on sale too!!!). She is so excited to go back to school and be in first grade!!! She is swimming a lot better than last year which is great. Hopefully by next summer she will be an awesome swimmer and bike rider. It is difficult trying to do so much!!
Boys- Now the boys!! They are getting so big so fast. Blaine is walking with an average of 5-6 steps, the most being 10!!! Christian is not far behind, with an average of 4 steps. It would not surprise us if Christian starts running before Blaine!!! They both have 6 teeth now!!!! Their fangs are disappearing because the top 2 are starting to come in :( They love chasing each other still!! Blaine makes lots of funny faces while Christian loves to talk and almost scream!!! Christian is our 'worm in hot ashes' while Blaine likes to cuddle. Overall Christian beats up on Blaine, but every once in awhile Blaine stands up for himself against Christian. They love their morning nap at around 11:30am after waking up around 8 or 9!!! Of course they don't go to bed till around 10 but that's OK. They are really GOOD boys and LOVE to PLAY hard.
Us- Ben is still working hard at Village Pharmacy and will stop when I go back August 2nd (which is when Abby starts also). I believe he will have to work part time in the evenings when I go back to work!! Not much time for us, but at least the boys and Abby will be with their dad in the day and mom in the evenings!! We will see how this works. I am definitely not ready to go back to school and have not done a lot!! I will be teaching Ecology and Anatomy only- no Bio!! (at least that is what I knew when I left). I have a lot to do but all I want to do is spend the last of my summer with my family!!! AHHH!!! We will see what happens!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Boys and the Pool
We have been staying at Rada and John's because our AC was out. Thanks to them for letting us crash!!! We had a blast. The boys and Abby loved playing in the sprinkler and the baby pool. Christian is our little water dog. He loves putting his whole face into the water. He doesn't even get choked. I think he has learned how to hold his breath!!! We are going to have to watch him- he reminds me of his big sis. On Wednesday, the water was chilly but they went swimming anyway. I put both boys in and Christian got down and started playing immediately; however, Blaine just stood there and would not sit down. He was so funny!! I think he reminds me of someone (myself who does not care for cool water). He just kept looking at me like 'do I have to?'. He finally got in and started playing some. Christian loves to splash and goes wild- Blaine is more laid back. Eventually, Blaine just leaned over the side and started picking the grass. He was so cute!!! I looked at his hands and he had 2 huge fists-full of grass. He would lean real far and try to get different types of leaves and grasses. He then attempted to eat some and throw it all in the pool. It was time to get out!! All the time they were playing Miss Abby-do was running in the sprinkler and laying out getting a tan. They boys are very busy and are extremely fast crawlers. It's about time to tie them together so at least they go in the same direction!!!! They both have 4 teeth- 2 front bottom and 2 fangs (that's what I call them). So much fun!!! I wish I had more time to update things and put things in their baby book. Maybe I can take a few days just for that. Now- more laundry to do.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
John Knox Center

Last Friday we took a spontaneous trip to Camp John Knox (John Knox Center) in Ten Mile, TN. Most everyone knows that is where Ben and I met as camp counselors. We had been missing it so much and hadn't been down in a long time- too long. So we packed up and went down to camp as a surprise visit. We got down there and surprised Barbara and then Rachel (EE Director). We had so much fun. We visited the nature center and the boys liked Monty (the ball python). Unfortunately we did not have enough time or hands to get the animals out like we wanted to, but it was still great to see the animals. Abby did get to hold the new opossum, but we didn't get a picture. We had to stay in Abel Lodge for several hours waiting for the storms to pass. We then went out to eat with Rachel and some other staff to the newer restaurant of Kingston- RedBones. It was fun. We had a long wait which is always nerve racking with babies; however, we decided to eat out on the patio. They had live music (a guy on a guitar) which was really great. The boys did awesome and Abby sat at the other end of the table and ordered like a big girl. She decided on cherry coke, pasta, cole slaw and an ice cream sundae. I guess that is what we get for not sitting by her. She had a blast!!! Can't wait to go back.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Abby Update
It's been too long since I have done an update on anyone. So- 'll start with an update on Abby-do. Her last day of kindergarten was May 14th and the teacher recommended her for 1st grade and said she will need to be academically challenged in both math and reading!!! Yay for her. She has big plans for the summer. Here is her list- piano lessons (with mom), summer school with mommy (I thought I was getting a break!), learn to swim, ride her bike without training wheels, plant a flower bed and water them every day, read the Dorrie witch book series and I'm sure there is more. She told me this list when I told her we would have to work in her room. She informed me she has a busy summer scheduled. What a mess!!!! Some other funny Abby stories-
1. Today she bought flowers for our flower bed with my mom. I was asking her what color flowers she bought. She then asked mom what they were called- I heard mom say 'impatiens' in the background. Abby then told me that they were impatient because it started to rain on them so they just bought some flowers. What a funny girl.
2. She told mom she would like to go to Target or the Mall and shop and that she likes them equally the same. Boy does she like to shop- more than any child I have ever seen.
3. The night of mom's piano recital we were dressing up for it. Abby looked me up and down and said, ' I'm glad you know how to wear fashion now'. Thanks I thought- apparently I'm not fasionable enough for her tastes.
She says so many funny things we can't keep track of them all. We never know what is going to come out of her mouth. We will post more stories as we remember them. She is getting so big and growing up so fast. She is a beautiful girl and we love her so much.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
8 Months old!!
Two days ago the boys became 8 months old! So we need to do a little updating. The 7th month in review:
Teeth: Christian has two teeth(bottom middle), Blaine has none so far. They both chew/gum everything they can get in their mouth and drool like crazy!
Crawling: Both boys are army crawling well, Blaine is better and faster at it. Both can crawl on their hands and knees but seem to prefer army crawling.
Eating: Both will eat anything you give them but like to scream about it. Not sure if they feel they need to scream because they are afraid that we will feed the other more or what, but they are not easy to feed! They are eating meat now and seem to like it, but they like the sweet stuff more of course. Of course Mamaw(Beths mom) has been letting them try tea on the end of a straw and they like it. They have also been given various other things from the table have liked all of it! Daily feeding goes like this(time may vary by an hour or so): 6am-Breastfeed, 10am-1/2 jar of fruit + 4 tbs of cereal + 8oz formula, 2pm - 6-8oz formula, 6pm-1 jar of meat +1/2 jars of 2 veggies and fruit, then 10pm-8oz of formula. (yes all day is spent feeding and changing diapers)
Sitting/standing: Both boys have started to sit, but mostly on their knees! Its funny to watch them. Christian will sit on his bottom some though. We have a fence keeping them in the living room. Both use it to sit up and now as of this week Blaine started pulling up to a standing position! and is now doing it against everything else. Christian will not be far behind. Both also figured out quickly with the fence they could both push it over together!(fence is now bigger and strapped to a table!)
Talking: Christian baby talks a lot more than Blaine. Both can do it and do it very loudly when the want to! Christian started a couple of weeks ago to form Dad da and Momma in various forms but we are pretty sure he is doing it on purpose! Blaine has possibly said momma but nothing consistent.
Various others: The boys interact together a lot more now. Mostly to take a wanted toy away from the other or of course the others passy is always better than their own! Also crawl over the other or pull on his hair. They can both get their passy and put it in their mouth and hold their bottles(when they want too). They are extremely curious about everything! Both really like being outside and going for rides in the stroller! They are outgrowing their car seats quickly!
I think that covers it for the most part I will have Beth review and add if I have missed anything. It has been a busy month of development!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Abby's Imagination
I can't make this up- Abby just told me that the Wicked Witch of the West, her sisters, the witch from Hansel and Gretel, and the flying monkeys (I think that's it) have a party in her room every night at midnight. She told me she once woke up and asked them if she could join them and join their club. Apparently, they also have a 5 layered cake that says "Happy Witch Day" on it. She asked me if I want to join Tuesday at midnight. I said sure. She said she was going to ask them if it was OK.
That girl has an imagination!!! WOW!!
The boys are crawling every where and joining forces to knock down the fences that keeps them out of trouble. They are sitting up on their knees and getting into everything. They are definitely double trouble. They love grabbing each other paci's and either putting them in their own mouths or throwing them. It is so much fun watching them interact with each other and with Abby. She is the only one that can get them to really laugh hard. They are both very busy boys!!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Boys Baptism
Well- it finally happened. The boys were baptized Sunday, March 14, 2010. I thought it would never happen. You might recall their baptism was scheduled for January and then the boys and Abby had RSV. Which I might add the doctor said that they sent more kids to the ER this winter than in the past and luckily we did not have to go. God has blessed us with strong, healthy children. Anyway- the week before Abby did get the flu so we were so worried about the having to cancel once again. Blaine had a fever then I got it. Luckily, we recovered and could go on with it. One thing I didn't think about till too late was the time change- Spring Forward. Abby spent the night with mom mom which helped tremendously, one less body to get ready. That morning the boys ate at 8am which was different then usual. I was afraid they would start getting fussy as soon as they were to be baptized, but they did wonderfully. The service was beautiful. The introit had the children singing Jesus Loves Me- and they were angelic. The sermon was thought provoking and created lots of conversation, which was great. I missed most of it because I was getting the boys ready downstairs and they were a little fussy. We brought all of the children up so they could witness the baptism which was important. The boys sat and watched Dave speak at the pulpit with such attentiveness. They knew it was for them (not really- they were just interested I guess). They were so cute and observant. They really wanted to play with the water!!! It was beautiful and the boys were little angels!!! The gowns they wore were my grandfathers- Crockett Kincer's when he was an infant. They were 90 years old and Nick and Abby both wore them being baptized. They are very special to our family. Then after the service we had a great reception with family and friends. It was so meaningful to share this sacrament with those we love and to see how much our children are loved. Those present included- Pastor Dave, Dawn, and Jeremiah Webster; Aunt Sylvia and Uncle Steve Babelay; Kristy Krebs Thornton, Tracy Krebs Faber, Cindy and Scott Krebs; Rada and John Rolison; Cleta, Randy and Nick Kelley; Shanae Nunez; and of course us!! What a wonderful day. Here are some pictures from it.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Flu!!
Well, last Saturday Abby started coughing and then got a fever. We took her Sunday afternoon to the Walgreens Take-Care clinic (which I have been impressed with twice now) and they said she had the flu. Probably H1N1 since they haven't seen the seasonal a lot. Well- also that weekend we had to get the Saturn fixed, which Ben rode his bike to go pick it up. I'm glad we are close enough that he can do that. We also had been to a 'multiples' consignment sale Saturday morning and got some good stuff. We also bought a 'new' jogging stroller that is pretty nice and hopefully it will work great. Anyway- I decided to take off Monday to help Ben clean and decontaminate the house. He went and bought a Shark Steam Pocket Cleaner- which is awesome!!! We cleaned all day long and tried to keep Abby in her bed (which is a hard thing to do). She is taking Tamiflu and Motrin to keep the fever away. Blaine got a fever Monday night and I went to school on Tuesday. I wasn't feeling all that great, but I thought it was because I was tired. Well, that night I ended up with a fever and called in for a sub for Wednesday and Thursday. Luckily, I had made 2 days of sub plans- somehow I guessed I was starting to get sick. Well, Abby had no fever and Blaine's fever is gone too!!! My fever is gone as well!!! I hope we stay well and can still have the baptism like planned. What a crazy week so far. It's going to take a lot to get our house back in shape, at least Abby has started Spring Break- which she will be off for 2 weeks since she has been out all of this week. Hope to make an update with the Baptism next!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
My first post at my new job!
It is hard to believe that it has been two months already since I switch from a full time Pharmacy job to a full time stay at home dad! Beth has adjusted for the most part to working again, well other than getting up in the morning to get ready on time. I will get a routine in
place and then the boys will decide to change theirs again. We have now started vegetables at supper with them along with rice cereal and fruit. Since starting this they have started sleeping from 10pm ish until we wake them up around 6am for Beth to feed them before leaving for school. They were waking up around 4:30-5am. So we are developing a new routine again.
I knew that this would be a hard job and it is. I start the day hoping to accomplish a lot and
then the boys wake up! Sometimes it works out and most of the time is doesn't but i am
learning to shorten the to do list to a more manageable size.
I have gotten a lot better at cooking dinner every
day and have been learning to cook more than spaghetti and hamburger helper! Things like
Manwich, macaroni and cheese, and chicken nuggets! Just kidding, those where actually on the
previous list. I have made fried chicken, breakfast(pancakes, bacon and eggs) and hibachi
chicken which includes making the fried rice and the sweet and tangy white sauce!
(aka Kobe sauce, Hibachi sauce, shrimp sauce etc.) I also gave fried
pickles a try,... they need some work. Youtube is great for learning pretty much anything.
I will continue to increase my cooking knowledge.
The laundry and dishes seem to occupy the rest of my time during the day. Between bottles
and our dishes the dishwasher runs almost twice everyday. That will improve some with the
boys eating more than just formula.
The laundry, however,...well that will just get worse I imagine. It was just about endless without
the boys and is now always behind. Most 6 month olds, drool.......a Lot! Add spit up and the
ability to pee out of what is still a dry diaper and you get a lot of dirty clothes, then multiply that
by 2! You get the picture.
All in all it is a daily adventure that I would not trade for anything in the world. Even when
they are both screaming bloody murder, and boy can they, it beats any other job out there.
The boys are becoming more and more interactive and coordinated every day. Everything in
hand automatically goes to their mouths of course. Both get up on their hands and knees and
rock, Blaine more so than Christian, but no actual crawling yet. Blaine will put one hand forward
and then roll over, which is fine by me. They roll all over the place and usually in opposite
directions of course! Each can scooch forward a little. If they see something they want they
will get it by rolling or creeping.
Each of the boys found their feet about a week or so ago. They will grab, play with and chew on
them some. They both try really hard to sit up and can from a slightly inclined position but lack
the balance to stay upright still. They both giggle and laugh especially when Abby is acting for
them! They love their big sister.
No new milestones yet though. No teeth, or full crawling, but on the verge of both and they will
be the next ones I imagine. I will let you all know when they do.
I will try to keep the blog updated more often than every two months. Beth did a great job
with it and will probably still post. I will probably write about more than just the babies and
Abby. I may actually start a different blog for other things since this is The Mooney Family Blog.
Sorry this has gotten so long. Catching up a little and if it seems unorganized I have started and
stopped typing this about 50 times over 3 hours or so.
Monday, February 22, 2010
March, March!!
Here is a video of the boys. Blaine is marching in the jumperoo which he loves so much. Christian prefers the jumper that hangs on the doorway. They both love to jump- Blaine likes to march while Christian jumps with both feet. Christian also loves to play with his feet and toes!!! These boys never stop moving- just like their big sister. We are in trouble when they start walking (running). I guess I'll be getting my exercise. The boys are 6 months old now, which is incredible. We are so blessed with such healthy strong boys. They are so cute and happy. They do however have a little temper when it is something they want and they are not getting it!!!! They let us know when they are upset with us. Blaine loves to talk to animals- Sadie, Bailey and the cats. It is really cute. He is our strong brute that can rip is toys down with ease. Christian is our talker. He talks to us all the time especially in the car. He is also our little smiler- who loves the morning.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
March, March!! (not the month)
Here is a video of Blaine in his jumperoo. He loves to march in the jumperoo. Christian likes it as well, but likes the jump-up thing that hangs in the door way more. They have so much fun. Christian is playing with his toes which his has found and loves them. They are 6 months old and are very active!!!! I can't imagine what it is going to be like when they start walking. They never stop!!!!!!! They are so cute and busy.
March, March, March, March!! (not the month)
Here is some video of Blaine marching in the jumperoo. He loves it!!! So does Christian, but every time Blaine gets in it, he marches. It is so funny!!! Our boys love to move- just like their big sister. They are extremely active boys. I can't imagine what it is going to be like when they start walking. I better get in shape- I'm glad I'm walking with a fellow teacher after school. Christian is also grabbing his toes- his favorite thing to do right now. They are 6 months old!!! I can't believe it!!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Abby's b-day bowling 2010
On Abby's actual birthday Wednesday- Abby got out of school early for snow- that actually melted away as soon as they got home. I was let out early too because of 'snow' which was great since it was Abby's birthday. Ben made spaghetti at the request of Abby and we just hung our. She also got balloons and a teddy bear sent to her from a couple from church. She was so excited. For her birthday party we decided to do it small since money is tight and it's hard with the babies. We asked her what she wanted to do and she decided she wanted to go bowling. So Ben and his sister Marrion took Abby and her 2 BFFs (as she calls them) to Thunderworld and then to Mr. Gattis. They had a great time- except for some minor girl drama which is pretty usual for them. Other than that- they said they had a lot of fun. I stayed home with boys since the bowling alley isn't a great place for two little babies. That afternoon we went to Ben's mom's house for the family get together which I will post a second batch of pics of that. It was great fun. We had Wii bowling tournaments, lots of good food and family fun. We also looked at Ben's babies' pictures and compared him to our boys. They are little Ben's!!! Just like Abby- although she was a lot prettier than handsome. What a day.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sweet Abby
Last night Abby asked Ben (at about 9:45pm) what mommy was teaching in her class tomorrow. Daddy said he didn't know. She then preceded to tell him if I was teaching about the inside of the body she had a book about the body that I could read to my students. Well, this morning Abby woke up by herself and got dressed without us telling her too (a rare thing by the way). She then came and told me that she put the book in my bag to take to school and I could read it to my class. I did read a page to my Anatomy students- they loved story time. What a sweet smart little girl- who is about to turn 6!!! She amazes me all of the time.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Yesterday afternoon we went to Corryton in hopes that there would be a great snow. It started snowing some which was exciting. It was hard to get Abby to bed because she was hoping she could go sledding last night. The boys slept in their Eddie Bauer travel beds all night long!!! Well at least till 3 for Blaine, but Christian slept till 6- I think. It is hard to remember sometimes. The boys love those travel beds!!! They are great. Anyway, after breakfast Abby, Ben and Papa John went out to play in the snow. Abby and Sadie were playing hard together. Abby kept throwing snowballs at Sadie and Sadie was running wild. They tried to sled but it didn't work too well. Mom mom, the boys and I stayed inside and enjoyed watching from the house. We had some hot chocolate, tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches thanks to the request of Abby. It's been a fun lazy day, even though I have lots of stuff to grade.
Update on the boys- the boys are getting bigger and stronger. They are rolling over both from back to belly and belly to back. When we put them in their crib Christian ends up on his belly sideways where Blaine ends up kicking him. We are going to have to put them in separate cribs, probably this week. It will be interesting how we will arrange the nursery for 2 cribs. Our house in not big enough for twins!!! Blaine is really pushing up and almost getting on his knees!! He is all over the mat when we lay him down. He is going to be so mobile I'm afraid. They both are giggling and love watching their big sister. Christian is the happiest baby in the morning, while Blaine is more like his mommy- it takes him a little bit. We are having lots of fun.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The start of a New Year
What a way to start 2010!! Started out that I had an ear infection and had to go on amoxicillin the Wednesday before New Year's Eve. Then Blaine started feeling sick and I thought he had what I had. By Saturday both Blaine and Christian were sick and Ben took them to the doctor that morning. He found out they both had RSV and their respiratory rate was up. Blaine also had an ear infection and was started on amoxicillin. That Sunday, Ben was going to put gas in the Saturn for me to take to school and the car would not start. Ben had to take the boys to the dr. Monday morning (after rescheduling it from 11 to 8am) so I could take the van to school after he got back. So my first day of school I arrived 2 1/2 hours late. When I got to school I found that all of my files were not on my computer any more so I could not do any work because my back up was at home. I also learned that I was to be evaluated on Thursday which is the 3rd day of having students. I got home and Ben went and got a new battery for the Saturn so I could drive it to school. We were up most nights with the boys watching them and making sure they were ok. We kept them in the living room on boppies and Ben and I sept on the couch and recliner for about a week. Luckily, my evaluation went well.
The following Sunday, Ben went out to the van to go get our Christmas boxes from storage. (We have yet to take Christmas decorations down.) The van would not start and once again we were down to one vehicle. He spent most of the afternoon trying to get the van jumped but it wouldn't. Luckily my parents could pick up Abby from school otherwise she wouldn't have been able to go because Ben could not have picked her up. On Tuesday, my dad fixed our van and we had bought another battery in a span of 1 week. On Wednesday, I started losing my voice and it is still gone today (Thursday) and we had open house. Thankfully the boys are better and Abby has gotten better too. She had developed a cough too but we kept her hydrated and she has gotten over it. Ben was also sick- so we had a house full of sick people. This has definitely been a crazy way to start the year and the transition of Ben staying home while I go to work. I keep saying that God will not give us more than we can handle. I am very thankful for our family, church and friends. We are truly blessed and we will get through these rough times.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
On the mend
We are finally getting better. The boys have defeated RSV on their own without a trip to the hospital, which we are totally grateful for. Unfortunately, Ben and Abby are now sick too and I feel that my ear infections have come back. At least the boys are better.
It has been a rough start for me working. The car would not start last Sunday and the boys had a dr's appointment that Monday which was my first day back. That morning we rescheduled the boys appointment for that morning at 8:15am and I went to work late. I got to work at around 10:30am and found out that my computer files were lost. I had a back up, but it was at home which did me no good. I did not get much accomplished at school that day. I was flying by the seat of my pants on Tuesday. Ben got the Saturn fixed Monday afternoon (which was a new battery). Abby and I had our first morning of getting up early Tuesday and I took her to school then went to work. I had a great first day making stuff up as I went along. I am so glad God gave me that gift. I also found our I was going to be evaluated/observed that Thursday. Only 3 days in with the kids and it has been 7 months since I have worked. Talking about jumping in feet first!!! Might as well get it over with. Luckily I have the best department head who helped me out and it turned out to be a great lesson which I will continue to use. My students seem pretty decent so far. Then we got out early Thursday and were off Friday for snow/ice. What a week. Not to mention we have been sleeping in the living room all week with the boys and up almost every 2 hours with them. Exhaustion!!! Glad we have had a long weekend to relax and recover. What a week!!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Today Ben took the boys to the doctor because they were coughing pretty badly and sounded congested. I have been sick all week and thought I gave it to them. We are glad he went because it was worse than we expected. Both boys ended up having RSV and Blaine also has an ear infection. We just have to watch them closely to make sure they are breathing OK and not breathing too rapidly or turning blue. Blaine is real fussy and he talks to us telling us he doesn't feel well. It is so pitiful to hear him. Christian isn't as bad and hopefully he won't get worse. It is tough taking care of two sick babies, especially when we have so much to do around the house. I start work Monday and have nothing ready yet. Whew!!! It's going to be a long week. I just hope they get better before their baptism next Sunday, plus I just want them better. We don't like sick babies.
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